Email is one of the most effective ways to communicate with a specific group of users and other inter-departmental teams. The Ashoka email ID is a unique identifier for an individual. It is assigned to Ashoka users at the time of their joining by the IT team with approval from the HR department. Individuals are assigned only one personal email ID during their employment, and its associated data are deleted (and or suspended) once an employee leaves the University.

  • Email Groups/ Distribution Lists
    Email Groups (or Distribution Lists) are university-owned IT assets that can be used by staff and faculty to effectively communicate with their department and other groups at the university. All staff and faculty are added to the administrative user groups of the university as defined by Ashoka University’s mass email and Anti-spam Policy. The use of email groups/distribution lists enables quick and timely delivery of information to its intended recipients.

Ashoka University encourages the community to adhere to the following principles in relation to their use of emails and email groups;

  • Promote best practices in electronic communication – Email content should not be obscene or harassing in nature. They should not use offensive language. They must not represent any fake identity of the sender.
  • Reduce the distraction from excessive mass emails and spam – Emails should not be sent as chain letters or broadcast indiscriminately to large numbers of individuals.
  • Preserve emails as a sustainable channel for critical communication – Reject and discourage unauthorized mass emails, if not relevant. In general, the emails should be directed only to those who have indicated a willingness to receive such emails.
  • Ashoka University maintains email groups for easy access to any team
  • Users may request new email groups after their department head’s approval.
  • Once the request is approved, the requester shall forward the request along with the related approvals to the IT department.
  • It is the responsibility of the requester to write to the IT department whenever there is a need for action on
        • Add member
        • Remove member
        • Delete/Rename the group
  • It is the responsibility of the requester to check the group membership from time to time to ensure that the member list is up to date
  • Group members are responsible to maintain the email mass communication and Anti-spam policy.